
Monday, May 27, 2024

A big update! I've posted a scifi short story to my website. It's called Please Contact Your Administrator and it has software updates gone wrong, rusty robots trying to sneak around, and lotion that is bad for your bones! I'll shortly try to communicate all that in the limited character length of a bluesky post. It's tricky, but it makes good elevator pitch practice.

I've got good news related to that short story. It's going to be read on a podcast! But due to their busy schedule, it's going to be a while and likely won't be there until late 2026/early 2027. Due to the length between now and then, I'm not sure how much I can say about it right now. But I'll definitely announce something closer to the time!

I don't have much to say about other projects right now. I'm still working on rewriting the first half of a scifi novel and I think I'm about halfway through that (so a quarter of the way through the novel but halfway through difficult stuff). It's taking a while, but I am making progress.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Due to a lot life stuff, it's been quiet the past month here. I had my viva (I passed!) and have pretty much done everything I need to get my Ph.D.! Writing-wise, I've been trying to navigate non-paying markets, which has proved to be difficult. Mainly because there are not a lot of them out there, which means limited options. I'm not going to go into too much detail about it, but hopefully I'll have good news regarding a scifi short story soon!

Things have calmed down for me, so hopefully I should be more active writing wise! Sorry about the month of quiet!