
Sunday, March 24th, 2024

An update regarding a lack of updates!

I don't have much to say, beyond that it's going to be quiet here for a bit. Life has gotten a bit hectic lately (not overwhelmed and stressed hectic, but rather "Oh boy, look at all that time sail away" hectic) and I haven't gotten as much writing done as I would like to. However, there is stuff that I am working on, albeit quite slowly at the moment. I'm still in the midst of trying to rewrite/edit that novel and am going to write a brand new chapter that requires me to do a bit of research first for it. After that, there's a scifi short story I got some feedback on that I want to edit and then try submitting to webzines. And after that I'll go back to working on that novel. Probably.

And that's it. Things are going to be quiet for a bit, but that just means the stories are biding their time. Waiting for the perfect time to strike. Updates will happen... eventually.

Sunday, March 17th, 2024

And we are live! I guess it was technically live as the website has been up (while under construction) for a while. But now it is in a state where I am happy to start sharing it! I've also posted the horror novelette, Ghostwriter.

I don't have much more to talk about than that at the moment. I am still working on other stories, mainly trying to get rewrite/edit a novel as well as edit a short story. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with the novel, but the short story will hopefully get submitted to webzines.

And that's it! Have a happy Sunday!

Saturday, March 16th, 2024

So, website isn't officially complete yet, but it is getting there! I think I should have it done by tomorrow. If not, definitely by next week.

Regarding my writing, I had a discussion with some folks regarding another short story and the whole "can't get paid" visa issue. Anyways, it turns out it would still be worthwhile for me to submit stories to nonpaying, free-to-read webzines. If (and probably when) I do that, I'll post the links in the stories section like I have done with old stories. However, the horror novelette will still probably wind up here for two reasons: 1) novelette lengths are considered "hard sells" as they're too long to be put in places dedicated to short stories and too short to pursue traditional routes of publishing; and 2) part of the novelette's storytelling involves playing around with fonts (it'll make sense when you see it), which I know from what little experience I have, will be also difficult "to sell" (even though I'm not really selling it. Not sure what the best way to put that is) as most places' systems don't leave room for authors to choose their font (which is fair. Usually font doesn't play a direct role in storytelling).

And, I guess that's it. Expect the website to be live sometime tomorrow! Hopefully. Maybe not. But hopefully!

Saturday, March 9th, 2024

Hello! If you're reading this, you are viewing this website early. Which is totally fine. It's sometimes fun to view things under construction. Or maybe you found this entry while digging through my soon to be archive. In either scenario, hello!

I guess I should discuss the current state of things, both writing and website-wise.

Writing wise, once this website is complete, I should have a horror novelette to share. I've contemplated submitting it to webzines like I've done with short stories in the past, but my options are kind of limited given that it's currently illegal for me to make any money off my writing thanks to UK visa rules. I could wait until I'm legally allowed to make money off of my writing (whether it is through a new visa or moving to a different country or back to Canada), but by then I will have improved as a writer and may not want to look at my old work. Besides, by then I will have newer (and hopefully better) stories that I would want to put though the submission process. So, until then, I'm making this website to share my work.

Website wise, I'm hoping to have it completed either this weekend or sometime next. If any of you have been keeping track, you may have noticed I've been quite slow at making this website. The main reason was my lack of interent which is a long story but mostly resolved (hopefully) story.