
Sunday, August 25, 2024

This is the part where I apologize for not keeping up to date with this website. In my defense, there was a lot of stuff happening. In my offence, a lot of that stuff was writing related! Good writing related stuff! I'm not entirely sure where to begin with it all.

I'll start with the exciting stuff. A short story of mine got printed in an anthology! The short story is called Waking Nightmare and the anthology is called Gallus! It's an anthology made up of stories written by the Glasgow SF Writer's Circle. It got launched (and sold out) at Worldcon a week or two ago (when I should have made this blog post) and is going to get launched again at the Glasgow Argyle Street Waterstones! It can also be found on Amazon. So many of the stories inside it are great, so I highly recommend checking it out!

Next exciting thing is that I have a confirmed airdate for the podcast for which my scifi short story, Please Contact Your Administrator, is to be read! It is December 1st, 2026! That is still quite a long time from now, mainly due to the podcast having a jam-packed schedule. I did get to hear a recording of the reading and I love how they put it together. I'm not sure if I can say which podcast yet as there isn't information about me or my story on their website at this moment, but I will likely announce it in a year or two. In the meantime, you can read Please Contact Your Administrator here.

Less exciting stuff is that I'm still working my way through editing that scifi novel. Good news is that I've finished the bulk of the rewriting! There's still some sections that need rewriting, but they're scattered among sections that don't need rewriting, so it will be easier to get through. Not sure how much longer it will take.

And that's it! I'd like to say I'll be better at keeping this website up to date, but chances are it will be another month or two before the next update.